20 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

'Thunderhead - Let Go' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' [Music: T. Pulit & H. Wolter; Lyrics: T. Pulit

You're stayin' home all of the time
And what you're doinIt's gonna make you blind, yeah
You tell yourself you ain't got a friend
Look at you, feelin' sorry 'til
The bitter end

Well you better hold on
'Cause it ain't over
Just let the music
Take you away

Let go
C'mon let go, yeah
Let go
C'mon let go, yeah


You never talk, don't take a stand
This boy's never gonna be a man
Years ago, ya just didn't know
It's comin' time
Someone's got to tell you so

You better hold on
'Cause it ain't over
Just let the music
Take you away

Well you better hold on
'Cause it ain't over
Just let the music
Take you away

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