26 Ekim 2014 Pazar

'Isis - Hive Destruction' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' I can't see:
Eyes swelled with stings

I can't breathe:
Lungs filled with the bitter venom

The nest is collapsing upon itself.

This isn't over...
In fact, it's just begun.
Hive destruction imminent,

Cover your face and run.

Lies are falling.
Lies fall from wings.
The walls are seething...
Seething with disease...

[repeat chorus

The drone is deafening,
From the malcontent swarm.
Lies from wings are falling.

Blood in rivers runs.
Lies from wings fall.

Hive destruction.

şarkı sözüne aşağıdaki adresten ulaşabilirsiniz. En kaliteli şarkı sözleri, sanatçılara ait fan siteleri bu adreste. Isis - Hive Destruction şarkısına Isis sanatçısına ait herşey.

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