30 Ekim 2014 Perşembe

'Smashing Pumpkins - For God And Country' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' I want to live for god and country
I want to give for god and country

It's too late for song, it's too late for what you've done
I can't help what i divide in you

For god and country, i'll fight
For god and country, i'll die
For god and country, my soul is so alive, my soul is so alive
Lay down your arms to me
Lay down your arms for god and country

I want to live when no one's watching the way home
I want to give until i'm dust in the unknown


It's too late for song, it's too late for everyone
I can't help what i destroy in you

Who needs this anymore, c'mon make it sold
When they build that cross of death, you won't build at all
It's time to wake up, it's time to wake up for good
I can't help, although i should

For god and country, we'll fight
For god and country, you'll die
For god and country your soul is so alive, my soul is so alive
Lay down your arms to me
Lay down your arms for god and country, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You can't deny, for god and country we'll fight for our lives
In this time, for god and country there is no sacrifice
It's alright, my soul is so alive
For god and them, for god and country my soul is so alive.

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