6 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi

'Krisiun - Rises From Black' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' Hell's bluster in your mind
a boundless pain possesses you
eyes gouged out
worms rises from your eyes
Satan rips out your soul
Satan ruler of your soul

Abomination comes against you
your rottennes on the crosses
true suffer of death

lock inside the demon eyes
black death leads your way
spreading death thru the empire

Under the black ride forever
immortality, rises from black

Into the evil's domination
nothing remains in your corpse
you'll be a ghoul
deep inside the hell's flame
you'll be born from black

şarkı sözüne aşağıdaki adresten ulaşabilirsiniz. En kaliteli şarkı sözleri, sanatçılara ait fan siteleri bu adreste. Krisiun - Rises From Black şarkısına Krisiun sanatçısına ait herşey.

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