15 Ekim 2014 Çarşamba

'Queensryche - A World Without' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' [Rockenfield&La Torre&Wilton

Voices whisper in the night
Do you hear them calling me
Reflecting faces in the light
What is real and what is fantasy

Nowhere to be found, I can't breathe again
A mother, my lover, my best friend, my best friend
My baby's staring back at me, and now a broken family
Your name now etched in stone, no place to call my home

Your heart is the amber I see in my drag

The smoke your spirit rising I breathe your love
The tickle in my throat, your way of reaching out
Perhaps the creaking of my door
The moonlight glistening the shore

Nowhere to be found, I can't breathe again
A mother, my lover, my best friend, my best friend.
My baby's staring back at me, and now a broken family
Your name now etched in stone, no place to call my home

Nowhere to be found, (I'm looking down on you)
I can't breathe again (or are you looking down on me)
A mother, my lover, my best friend, my best friend.
(are you looking down on me, I really need to know)

My baby's staring back at me, and now a broken family
Your name now etched in stone, no place to call my home

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