30 Ekim 2014 Perşembe

'Shades Of Dusk - As Daylight Fades' şarkı sözü, şarkı sözleri

' While trees shed their foliage
A season wilts and fades away
Alike the memories of a single age
Blending into a dull gray

As daylight fades, a mute stillness fills the air
And today dies, under an aging sun
As daylight fades, woeful silhouettes must depart
For today dies, with the end of a season too frail

Daylight slowly tumbles to the ground
Ever so slightly, days are weakening
For summer bestows to autumn
As September is falling


As daylight fades, a mute stillness fills the air
And tomorrow comes, with its bitter reminiscences
As daylight comes, revealing a ravaged scenery
And yesterday dies, I cannot look back at a world so dead

A cruel wing sweeps across your face
Carries a final tear and echoes a sigh

Never will we stand against the ages
Never will we be able to feel
No words will salvage
No words will heal

I have a forlorn inspried countenance
I watch a warm felt embrace die

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